My Favorite
Gundam Wing Fanfics

Welcome back to AC 195.

Heero x Duo x Trowa

When you're the chatty and outgoing type, what's better than one strong silent type? Two of them! These fics often have a lot of angst, but also a lot of chemistry. They're all broken in different ways, but it's easy to see how they could fit together.

Fic Recs:

Broken Jade (1x3, 1x2x3) by Sol1056
Closing Time (3x2, 1x2x3) by Shoori
Gravity Let Me Go (1x2x3) by Crown_of_Winterthorne
Pay the Price for Satisfaction (1x2x3) by glitterstim

Duo: "I saved this guy's life... What was I thinking? Antisocial, uncooperative, unpredictable... God, I hate this guy! If I were you, man, I'd hate my personality so much that I would shoot myself!"