Heero x Duo x Trowa Recs


Trowa dropped the bag, staggering to his feet. There was a door, a little ajar, opposite Heero. Trowa felt like he was swimming through molten glass, and every step alternately throbbed and sliced him, until he was close enough to push the door open. He was staring into a little room, lit by a small window high up in the wall. Letting his eyes adjust, he could only gape at what he saw.

A cage, like the shuttles used for transporting large dogs.

The tall Preventer put a hand on the doorframe, instinctively seeking something to hold him up as his knees sagged.

There was someone in the cage, and it wasn't a dog.

Distant memories came flooding back to Trowa, and he nearly gagged. Shoving one hand over his mouth, he stumbled forward, falling to his knees in front of the cage. The damn thing was nearly three feet tall, by three feet wide, with only enough room for the naked man inside it to be curled in a fetal position. The naked body was resting on a deep blue pillow, and it was only once Trowa noticed the chestnut hair streaming across the man's shoulders that the reality was driven home.


Broken Jade

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