My Favorite
Gundam Wing Fanfics

Welcome back to AC 195.

Multiple Pairings with
Equal Focus

Most fics focus around one pilot's perspective and one ship, but these fics feature various pairings that are given equal time in the story. Most fall into the "favorite" ships configuration: Heero x Duo, Quatre x Trowa, with Wufei the wild card (often Treize, Sally, Relena, Meilan, or an OFC), but not all.

"There's nothing wrong with acting on your emotions. At least, that's what I was told." - Heero Yuy

Fic Recs:

Dirty Computer* by DoctorMegalomania
Eldritch Holiday by DoctorMegalomania
Fade to Black by DoctorMegalomania
Fangs of the Wolf by kayura_sanada
Hollow by Misanagi
Life After Meteor by lifeaftermeteor
Mission: Redacted by Kangofu_CB
Of Cats and Wolves by Sol1056
Requiem for the Sinners* by danceswithronin (Clever Young Thief)
Three Can Keep a Secret by DoctorMegalomania
Your Body's Poetry by DoctorMegalomania

* Work in progress.