Multiple Pairings with
Equal Focus


After a moment, Duo looked up at his friend and asked, "Do you think he means it?"

"It's Quatre. Of course he means it," Heero answered without hesitation.

Duo worried his lower lip between his teeth as he reread the message again…and again, dread building in his stomach. The inevitable loss. He knew it would come, but now? So soon? It was only December. Unbelievably, inconceivably December. Looking up at Heero, he murmured, "Are you gonna do it?"

Heero looked away as he pondered the question, and Duo recognized the war blazing in the other's eyes. It mirrored the one in his gut. Could we? Should we? After a moment, Heero's blue eyes met his own and he said, "Yes. It's time."

Life After Meteor

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