Zechs X Duo
Zechs Merquise (Milliardo Peacecraft) and Duo Maxwell are an odd ship. They have amazing hair, badass piloting, are fueled by the trauma of losing people to violence and corruption, and give off a definite prince-and-the-pauper vibe. They don't really interact in the show, like, at all. But they WOULD be very, very pretty together. Sold!

Fic Recs:
Anything But Perfect by Waterlilylf
Appointments with Ink and Death by AngelSelene
Band Aids by Kracken
Bon Voyeurs by Crown_of_Winterthorne
Caveat by Maldoror_Chant
MindWebs by RazorQueen
Pain Is Pleasure by GoldenEyesObsession
Princes and Soldiers by Kracken
Sex Is a Battle, Love Is a War by Cinderzol
The Claim by RazorQueen
As a side note: Zechs often is a foil for Heero in 1x2 fics, including several on my Heero x Duo list. However, since he ultimately doesn't end up with Duo in them, I haven't listed them here.
Duo: "I've been fighting for the Colony. I should be the only one fighting. No one else should have to go through that."
Zechs: "Chivalry has no place in my situation. I have the revolution of space on my shoulders."
(said separately, not to each other, the angsty little fuckers)