"That's your idea of a disastrous date?" he demanded, once Zechs had dialled off. "Seriously? You ditched the guy just because he was enthusiastic about his job, and he didn't order a fancy enough bottle of wine?" he demanded.
"No, I ditched him because he talked about himself for the whole meal, and wasn't interested in anything about me. And then assumed I'd want to go home with him afterwards."
"Sheesh, that's nothing." Duo snorted. "Dermail – oh, the guy I was with – assumed the same thing, pretty much. Just 'cause he took me to some fancy, over-priced restaurant, he was sure I'd be begging him to fuck me for dessert. And, well you heard how that turned out."
"I should think half of Southern Spain heard, actually," Zechs teased. "And at least you got dinner bought for you. I ended up paying, because he'd apparently forgotten his credit card."
"Yeah, OK, that is pretty damn bad." Duo spluttered with laughter. "I'd say I'm still ahead on points though. I was supposed to be getting a job from that asshole. I guess that's not gonna happen. Um. D'you mind if we move now? My leg sort of seizes up sometimes, when I'm tired, if I stay in one place."
Anything But Perfect
- Author: Waterlilylf
(2x6) 17k
Award-winning chef Zechs Merquise can effortlessly create the perfect meal, paired with the perfect wine, but he somehow hasn't managed to find the perfect partner for himself. Until, after a disastrous date, he accidentally comes across a feisty and very attractive young man in distress. Duo Maxwell is anything but perfect and yet....
Zechs and Duo are great at what they do - working with food and working with cars - but they aren't so lucky in love. Duo is stubborn but not stupid here, and I greatly appreciate that, and Zechs helps not by throwing money at things but with logic and good suggestions. It's a fun AU; the only unbelievable thing about it is Heero working for a bank!