Heero x Duo Recs


We had reached the hospital and the conversation died as Trowa pulled the car into the parking garage. Quatre finally let me have my arm back and I was only glad that he hadn't tried to unwrap my damn dressing. I rolled my sleeve back down and carefully rebuttoned my cuff.

They flanked me as we walked to the elevators, riding up to the walkway that led over the street to the main hospital. I couldn't seem to get my head together and was appalled to realize fairly quickly, that I was lost. I tried to make an effort to pay more attention to my surroundings, but couldn't stop the cacophony of wild thoughts running around my head like a pack of slavering, mad hamsters. Between them and the sobbing little boy who, I had lately discovered, lived in the back of my head, I didn't have enough concentration left to do more than grunt mono-syllable answers to the occasional question I was getting from Quatre. He finally just shut the hell up. I could feel them doing that exchanging glances thing again, but I couldn't care about that either.


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