Heero x Duo Recs


"I'm the WHAT?"

"The Duchess Duo Maxwell-Yuy, married to Duke Heero Yuy," Hilde answered, as if trying to hammer this matter-of-fact info into my brain.

"But I'm a MAN. How can I be the Duchess?!" I'd checked myself in those brief moments I'd been left alone in the beginning, but every part was where I'd left it. Granted, I was thinner (almost delicate) compared to what I remembered, but I had all my bits!

Hilde stared at me like I was crazy, which felt massively unfair because I'd definitely asked and said crazier things since I got here. "A duchess can be male or female," she said. "And as you are a dandy, you made a suitable duchess for—"

"I'm a WHAT?" Did she just call me a dandy? Is this the 1800s?!

Oh wait, it might be—

"A dandy," Hilde repeated, her usual veneer of professionalism finally giving way to the same bemusement I'd been feeling all along. "A male raised with the expectation to wed a male noble, you are part of the peerage and are expected to uphold the etiquette and traditions of the court."

Professional bottom with a side of snob, I mentally translated.

So I got gay married and my husband went away to war, leaving me alone with a mansion full of people scared of me and Hilde the Hater. And Howard.

"I think I'm done with breakfast," I croaked out, shaken to the core.

I Reincarnated As A Minor Villainess and I Survived Past My Death Scene

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