Trowa x Duo Recs


Trowa didn't know why he was surprised, but he remembered feeling just slightly blind-sided when he recognized the pale, slightly beat up laughing face about ten feet away from him inside the rec hall, surrounded by faces that could only be described as the dregs of society.

Out of all the other pilots, he would have thought Duo would never be the one who'd ever let himself get stuck in a prison ever again. He remembered night cycles aboard the Peacemillion, whose name had never been more inappropriate since it took Duo Maxwell onboard. Trowa had still been the clueless amnesiac in those days, and he remembered wondering just what it was he'd gotten himself into when, on the first night he'd been onboard, the peace of the ship had been shattered by the most unearthly screams and howling coming from Gundam Pilot 02's room.

He'd never been friendly enough with Duo to ask or even offer a tiny bit of comfort when he realized it was a boy in the throes of night terrors that was the source of all the screaming, but Wufei had confided once about their time on the Lunar Base, when Tubarov decided to get rid of the remaining rebel pilots and scientists under his thrall by cutting off the oxygen to their cells.

Wufei had told him Duo had suffered some sort of meltdown as their air had dwindled, but it wasn't until much later, when Trowa had regained his memories, that he realized the night terrors Duo suffered had nothing to do with Lunar Base and everything to do with the indeterminate period of time he spent in an Alliance prison cell in L2.

Killing Me Softly

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