Trowa x Duo Recs


Trowa's green eyes surveyed Duo, the braided man shrugging. "I'll be more clear. Are you visiting or stealing?"

"Can't I do both?" Duo's eyes were wide, face carefully innocent, voice light. Trowa grinned outright, shaking his head. He chuckled.

"Okay, fine. So, what did you steal," He frowned a little. Duo's clothes were skin tight: leather pants tucked in to boots and a black long sleeved shirt. He didn't have too many places to hide anything in that outfit. Trowa ran his eyes over Duo again, just to be sure. He swallowed, then looked up. Duo's face was a little smug, eyes amused.

"I didn't steal anything. Horace and Jasper found me before I could," Duo rolled his eyes and frowned, crossing around the desk to lean against it, standing close to Trowa's chair. The Russian leaned back, raising an eyebrow. It was clear that he was suspicious, and Duo felt a slight thrill of triumph.

"Do you wanna search me?" he grinned, voice teasing. It was a gamble. He hadn't stolen anything, but he was armed. He wasn't sure how Trowa would take that, if it'd be seen as a threat or not. Duo inhaled sharply as Trowa's hand shout out, gripping his wrist and hauling him in. Trowa's other hand wrapped around the long, thick braid, leaning close. Duo could feel Trowa's breath hot against his lips.

"Don't fuck with me," he growled, then pushed Duo back against the desk, standing. Duo nodded, panting, rubbing the back of his neck. He gave Trowa a sheepish look.

"Sorry...I really didn't take anything," He held both hands open, looking at Trowa. "Your goons interrupted. And it's not like I can fit what you sell up my ass."

Trowa raised his eyebrows in surprise, then laughs. "What's wrong? Can't take an assault rifle?"

It's Coming Closer

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