Heero x Duo x Wufei Recs


Was a three-way love a possible thing?

Wufei picked up a knapsack and turned it over in his hands, chewing at his lower lip. He wanted to bring the matter up, to discuss it before acting, but the words wouldn't come. There was no way to broach the subject without sounding horribly indelicate or presumptuous, and Wufei was keenly aware of his precarious position in this strange lust-triangle he had found himself caught up in.

Finally he set down the pack. He couldn't do this. There was no way he could just trot in there acting casual with his belongings, and set himself up as a genuine inhabitant of the room without knowing where things stood. He was *also* keenly aware of his pride, and it wouldn't settle for being a mere love toy.

Although, he mused with a wry expression tugging his mouth, that was precisely what his hormones urged.


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