Heero x Duo x Wufei Recs


Heero's hands were brisk and efficient like the boy himself, pads of his fingers and palms calloused against his skin as they stripped away the red-dyed bandage. He swabbed down the bullet-graze wound with iodine and Wufei hissed through his teeth.

"It doesn't need stitches," Heero proclaimed carefully. "You'll have a scar no matter what. No sense in making it look worse."

Wufei remained silent, eyes fixed on a corner of the sink. It was stained, discolored by age before their arrival, and he plied shape from its shapelessness. A mask, maybe -- like the half-mask Trowa had worn at the circus, only this one was full and stretched lips wide in Comedy's mocking version of a smile. Heero was steadily packing cotton against the graze wound, then wound gauze around it. Wufei released a mild noise of discomfort and was surprised when Heero's touch gentled. He tied off the bandage and regarded Wufei with unwinking lapis eyes as he tested the arm and nodded.


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