Heero x Duo x Wufei Recs


"Where are the funny remarks now, Gundam-pilot?" The name was a curse on the man's lips. "That bleeding-heart Stark is gone off to dinner... he won't be showing up to save your ass this time!"

He stepped away from Duo and moved over near Winner. We all froze, watching the man to see what in the hell he was going to do now. I had no doubt that Winner would not hold up to half what Duo had endured. He didn't know the tricks; the movements of the body that would help minimize the damage. I would fare better, with my training in the martial arts. Duo probably knew more than I did, from a life steeped in street fighting. But Winner... his forte was tactics and the grand scale, troop movements and the tediousness of equipment and supplies. He didn't know hand-to-hand combat. Particularly not at this... level.

But, as Duo had feared, the enemy finding the two of them together had offered Bellows a wedge to attack Duo's control with.

"You're so resolved not to cry out," Bellows said, his voice suddenly a sickening purr. "Think you can hold to that?" He drew his sidearm and pointed it directly at Winner's head. "One sound, my little piece of shit, and your... playmate here gets a bullet between the eyes. One cry. One moan. The slightest little sound."

The General really was a sick son of a bitch. I wondered that we had ever thought that he could possibly have anything to do with the Treize faction. Treize would spit on this man.

Dark Silences

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