Heero x Duo x Wufei Recs


On that given morning I woke up on time and three seconds later I was in a different dimension altogether.

Heero was a solid, comforting presence on my left. His arm had slipped during the night and was now curled around my left forearm, fingers gripping lightly. His breath was teasing my cheek, in, out, in, out, slow and regular. I'd twitched towards that reassuring presence instinctively and caught a glimpse of a smooth cheek brushed by long lashes. He looked his age... My left fingers were twinned with his.

Duo must have tossed and turned during the night. He was spread out on the bed on my right perpendicular to my body, one leg dangling off the edge, his head resting on my upper thigh, a hand casually curled around my knee, warm through the cloth. His face was slightly turned towards me, I could see the impish features relaxed into innocence. I also noticed he was drooling on my sweatpants a little. My fingers were resting on the end of his braid.

I lay as still as I possibly could, though why they weren't woken up by the noise and concussive force of my heart exploding in my chest is a mystery.

Beautiful Symmetries

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