Heero x Duo Recs


He couldn't see.

He took a deep breath. The pain in the back of his head wasn't abating. If anything, it was getting worse. He grimaced as it pounded, harder and harder. He almost thought he could feel it thrumming against the lines of his brain, that damn metal flicking and sparking. Apparently, it was doing no damage at all to his imagination.

"That will become permanent, you know," Nind said, and Duo jerked. The man had moved. Fuck. The man was silent, and Duo couldn't see him. He'd sounded like he was nearing the kitchen, but he could simply be circling Duo like a shark. "There are issues with the installation of the Neuro-Optic Shock Link. I'm sure, by now, you've noticed a few of them."

Hell, there were more issues than just this? But Duo gritted his teeth and rode it out. "Fuck you."

The man actually laughed.

Hell, his leg hurt.

"That sounds more like the Duo Maxwell I've read about."

Memento Mori

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