Heero x Duo Recs


Heero returned a few minutes later and set two tea cups on the coffee table, "I'm happy to see you Duo, but I'm sure you came here for a reason. If it's to ask me to come back to Preventer the answer is still no."

"It's nothing like that," Duo hurried to assure him, "I quit too, about a year ago. I've been living on L2 working with Hilde and her husband."

Heero's eyebrows shot up in surprise. When he had decided to quit Preventer over two years ago Duo had been so angry with him, Duo had spent days telling him he was crazy even going so far as to tell him that Preventer was all he was good for. They fought, it was ugly and that fight ultimately was what made him decide to move away.

"Why?" Heero asked in confusion.

"It took about a year but I finally understood why you hated it so much. I was always able to look past the blood and the violence but after a while I realized I couldn't do it anymore."

Heero smiled sadly, "Why are you here?"

"Talking to Hilde helped me realize something, something I didn't understand at the time," Duo paused and took a deep breath, "It wasn't the job I was trying to hold onto, it was you."

Holiday Arc

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