Heero x Duo Recs


When Heero had set out for the reunion, he hadn’t exactly planned to spy on Duo. But seeing his name on the passenger list of the plane inbound from Tokyo had been like a punch in the head. He’d only been looking through the system on the off chance that he’d see it, and when it happened, he was nearly caught off guard.

His plane arrived from Milan about an hour before Duo’s, so he had camped out in the terminal, watching and waiting. He thought about what he might do when the flight from Tokyo landed. He might just stroll right up to Duo in the terminal, or outside in the pickup lane. He might follow him for a bit, test his instincts, before revealing himself. Perhaps he would just merge into the crowd and “bump into” him. That seemed the most likely course of action.

Then he had laid eyes on the braided ex-pilot, and all of his carefully considered plans went out the window.


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