It was an easy matter to drop the stuff off at the colony. I was expecting something funny to happen, but Jess merely asked me for my business card. I gave it to him without a flinch and got my ass the hell out of there. I didn't relax until I was out of firing range and I was sure no one was following me. Old habits die hard.
On my way back, I called G. again and updated him on my progress. I gave him the description of the other men who came to pick up the package and a better description of what I had seen inside.
After the war, Duo has found his calling doing what he does best. It's just not exactly what the other pilots think it is.
My notes: Duo uses his cover as a deliveryman to work outside the boundaries of official Preventers work, but how long can his luck hold out? And is it his choice or is there something more? This is a pretty classic example of a Gundam Wing fic - first-person, angsty-whumpy, and not Relena friendly but not super-negative.