Heero x Duo Recs


I'm being petty, thought Duo as he swept junk off the top bunk and climbed into it, but he didn't care. All of this was just too good to be true. The thought had been nagging at him for a week, ever since the party. For some reason, tonight all that worry and insecurity had come to the forefront of his thoughts.

What did he really know about what went on inside Heero's head? During the war at least, Heero could and had ruthlessly sacrificed honesty for the cause. Who was to say he wasn't doing that now? Maybe Quatre and Heero were in the middle of a fight or something and when Heero returned, Quatre would be waiting, full of apologies.

"You don't trust me." The voice from below was flat, disappointed.

Duo pressed his lips into a thin line. "Not really," he admitted bleakly. "Maybe you'd like to remind me of some time in the past when you were up front with me about everything."

Cross My Heart

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