Other Gundam Wing Pairings


Trowa's voice was soft, contrite, and he refused to look Quatre in the eye which infuriated him. "I'm sure you'll be fine. You're strong. Stronger than me."

Quatre's nostrils flared as the whirlwind of emotions carried him away. "So you're just going to walk away? From everything? Everything we've been through, everything we've been, you're just going to - just up and leave me?" A tiny flicker of a past transgression lit up his brain and spread like wildfire. His eyes hardened, brows drawing low. "It's her, isn't it?"

"No. Quat...no..."But he still wouldn't look up. Quatre's teeth clenched, the rage threatening to boil over.

"It is! You've been talking to her again, haven't you?"

Quatre had caught him the previous year, reacquainting himself with a young woman who Trowa had apparently known as a child. They ran into each other at a grocery store and had decided to catch up, which was all well and good. The problem was when Trowa had taken to continuing correspondence with her through video chats and text messages. Quatre might have been able to brush it off as friends keeping in touch except Trowa had seen fit to hide the interactions from him and that was what had made Quatre suspicious and angry.

His curled his lip, convinced now, anger flitting across his nerve endings. "You son of a bitch."

Heartbreak Cafe

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