- Mecha: Tallgeese III
- Rank: Duke
- Age: 24
- Ethnic origin: Aryan
- Place of origin: Unknown
- Height: 181 cm
- Weight: 68 kg
- Eye color: Ice blue
- Hair color: Platinum blond
- Birth date: 171 A.C.
- Death date: December 24, 195
Treize Krushrenada
"I'm sure God would understand the steps we are taking."
Treize is the charming, charismatic leader of Oz - and of the Specials, the elite Earth Alliance taskforce which serves as Oz's disguise. He is a pure aristocrat, who lives by a code of chivalry and conducts himself as a gentleman even while plotting cruel treachery and bloody revolution. Treize's wicked schemes are rooted in a nobleman's conviction that conflict and war serve to strengthen and improve the human spirit. He is admired by Oz's soldiers; feared by his Alliance superiors; and a close, trusted friend to ace pilot Zechs Merquise.
Tallgeese II:
The OZ-00MS2 Tallgeese II was built exclusively for Treize Khushrenada, the leader of the World Nation. It was assembled from spare parts of the OZ-00MS Tallgeese, but has a different head crest, a new face mask that resembled the Gundam's, and the colors on part of its chests, shoulders, waist, back-mounted boosters, and shield have been changed to blue. This blue color was said to reflect Treize's intention to sortie as a representative of the Earth. Although certain sections of the Tallgeese II were made of gundanium alloy, the mobile suit's basic performance was unchanged from the original Tallgeese.