- Also known as: Perfect Soldier
- Gundam: Wing, Wing Zero
- Age: 15
- Ethnic origin: Japanese
- Place of origin: L1 colony cluster
- Height: 156 cm
- Weight: 45 kg
- Eye color: Prussian blue
- Hair color: Dark brown
- Birth date: 180 A.C.
Heero Yuy
"If the whole world has gone crazy, then I'll believe in myself and keep on fighting."
This mysterious youth was sent from the L1 space colony cluster to fight against Oz. He goes by the alias Heero Yuy, after the martyred leader of the space colonies; his real name, like almost everything else about him, is unknown. Heero has been trained since childhood for his role as pilot of the Wing Gundam, an upbringing that has made him cold and ruthless. But thanks to his years of training, Heero has become a perfect soldier equally skilled in personal combat, explosives, and computer hacking.
Wing Gundam:
This advanced mobile suit was created by a resistance group at the L1 colony cluster for the sole purpose of battling Oz. The Wing Gundam can transform into a winged "bird mode" superior to any conventional fighter plane; in this form, it can survive re-entry and fly in Earth's atmosphere. Its primary weapon is the buster rifle, an immensely powerful beam weapon which can be fired only three times before its energy supply must be recharged. For close-range combat, the Wing Gundam relies on its shoulder-mounted machine cannons and the beam sabers stored in its shield.
Wing Gundam Zero:
This advanced mobile suit was created by a resistance group at the L1 colony cluster for the sole purpose of battling Oz. The Wing Gundam can transform into a winged "bird mode" superior to any conventional fighter plane; in this form, it can survive re-entry and fly in Earth's atmosphere. Its primary weapon is the buster rifle, an immensely powerful beam weapon which can be fired only three times before its energy supply must be recharged. For close-range combat, the Wing Gundam relies on its shoulder-mounted machine cannons and the beam sabers stored in its shield.