Trowa x Duo Recs


"Do you believe in magic, Duo?"

I came awake with a gasp, flailing and smacking my hand against the tempered glass of the bus window. "Fucking—shit!" I swore around my pounding heart. I was sweating. The back of my neck and my T-shirt collar felt damp and clammy.

"Yo, li'l dude," Solo whispered, offering an apologetic smile in response to the irritated glares my swearing had drawn from the other passengers. Jesus fried a chicken, you'd think none of them had ever heard an American curse a blue streak in a Hollywood action movie.

It's all true, I wanted to say, we crass Americans spit out swear words in between mouthfuls of our breakfast cornflakes! It's what we do.

Unfortunately, freaking out in the middle of a REM cycle was my schtick.

I lowered my head, curling forward until I hit the dorky polyester upholstery of the seat in front of me. "Are we there yet?" I sighed.

The Brothers Maxwell

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